Bone Grafting NYC

Dental Bone Graft
- Types Of Teeth Bone Grafting
- The Bone Grafting Procedure
- Learn More About Bone Grafting At 209 NYC Dental
Bone grafting has many useful dental applications, especially when used with dental implants and other periodontal procedures. However, many patients do not understand what this highly common process entails. A dental bone graft may be needed to increase the amount of bone in a certain part of the jaw where bone material has deteriorated or where additional support would benefit your tooth structures.
At 209 NYC Dental, we can use bone grafting as part of your complete, coordinated dental care plan to ensure your overall oral health.
What Is a Dental Bone Graft?
Because of bone’s strength and durability, many are surprised to learn it is a highly malleable material. Your body consistently makes new bone cells and evacuates old material. While these changes are normal and usually good, sometimes your jaw can lose too much bone material. If this happens, a bone graft may be required.
Bone grafting is a relatively minor procedure in which your dentist uses an incision to expose the jawbone and then grafts new bone graft material to it. Your body then creates new bone cells around the graft, building up the jawbone where needed.
Types of Teeth Bone Grafting
There are three main types of dental bone grafts our patients may require:
- Block bone graft: In cases of serious bone loss, a small block of bone can be taken from the back of the jawbone near the wisdom teeth and placed into the defect.
- Socket graft: This type of graft fills in a socket after a tooth extraction, preventing bone loss associated with adult tooth loss.
- Sinus lift: This is a common type of bone graft needed for implant patients, especially if you are missing teeth or bone material in the back of your jaw, near your sinuses.
Who May Require a Bone Graft Dental Procedure?
Your dentist may recommend a dental bone graft for several reasons:
- Dental implants: Dental implants are a highly successful procedure used to correct missing teeth in adults. However, bone grafting may be needed to provide a strong support base for the new implant.
- Jaw stabilization: Losing an adult tooth or experiencing gum disease can result in lost bone material. If left unaddressed, bone loss can impact nearby teeth and gum tissue. A bone graft may be needed to stabilize the jaw and help prevent long-term complications.
- Improved appearance: Bone loss in the jaw can impact your face’s appearance, causing it to look shorter or protrude forward. A bone graft can help rebuild a healthy bone structure, improving your overall facial appearance.
The Bone Grafting Procedure
If your dentist recommends bone grafting, the procedure itself may vary depending on the reason for your dental bone graft. If it is for a dental implant, you may need to begin with a tooth extraction. The bone graft will then be performed before your implant surgery to stabilize the base for the new tooth.
Often, bone grafts use bone from your own body, usually from another area of the mouth. However, donor bone from a bone bank or animal donors are also excellent sources of bone grafting material and will not require a second surgical incision to obtain bone material.
Bone graft surgery is fairly straightforward and usually takes less than two hours. It is performed as an outpatient procedure at our dental office. The recovery process should be complete in a matter of weeks. However, you may need to wait several months for the bone to be ready for an implant.
Bone Grafts In NYC
Whether you need a dental implant or have experienced tooth loss or gum disease leading to bone loss, the compassionate team at 209 NYC Dental will guide you through the bone grafting process. We have the expertise and knowledge to treat various oral health issues, ensuring complete, coordinated, multispecialty dental services under one roof.
If you are ready to transform your smile, please contact us today to schedule your consultation.
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